This page offers a static version of results from your Disrupting Racism assessment. If you wish to change your responses or add others, you will need to retake the assessment.
Take the assessment againThe map below visualizes how you have assessed your organization in each impact area. It is meant to help you consider how your organization prioritizes and lives into these impact areas. This can help you identify assets, spot growth areas and consider where you may benefit from support. As you review your results, you can continue to review and adjust your responses.
Click on the circles on the map or in the list to review that card and the assessment questions.
The top and bottom quadrants show alignment between importance to your organization and your strength in it. Areas that show up in the right or left quadrant reveal a mismatch worth considering more deeply.
How do I make time for telling my own story?
personalHow do we explore alternative arcs to our stories?
personalHow do we build connections?
communityHow do we tell stories together?
communityHow do we use stories to strengthen our ties?
communityWhat is our liberated vision?
institutionalDoes our vision of liberation hold ourselves next to a white norm or does it dream freely?
institutionalHow does your organization bring to life the complexities of policy problems?
policyWho does your organization elevate in its storytelling?
policyDo you sand off the edges to make this story more palatable to folks in power?
policyHow do we push against system jargon?
personalHow do we empower people to access what they need from systems?
personalWhat stories are not yet told in our data?
communityHow do we center our communities in our creation of outcomes?
communityHow do we share our own data but also keep it protected?
communityHow do we name the cultural forces at play in our work?
institutionalHow do we use data to hold institutions accountable?
institutionalWhat does our work make visible?
policyWhat stories does our data tell?
policyWhat data is not available and how might we access it?
policyHow do we hold our own identities?
personalHow do we make time and space for our own self-actualization?
personalHow do we build models of change that are held by communities?
communityHow do we celebrate and harness the strengths of the collective?
communityHow do we create spaces for community members to build with us?
institutionalAre we doing <i>to</i> or doing <i>with</i>?
institutionalHow do we shape our advocacy to the voices of our communities, rather than to systems in power?
policyDo we consider limitations of time, place, money or other constraints when we ask our communities to advocate?